Thank You for Supporting Stuff the Bus!
United Way of the Lakeshore is thrilled to share the success of our annual Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive! With the incredible support of over 30 businesses and organizations across Muskegon, Newaygo, and Oceana Counties, we collected over $19,500 in school supplies. These donations will make a direct impact, providing essential tools for students and educators along the lakeshore. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this community-driven effort!
Thank you to the following businesses and organizations for your support of the Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive:
Baker College
Book Nook & Java Shop
CBD Store of Michigan
City of Muskegon
Consumer's Energy
Culinary Institute of Michigan
DTE Energy
Eagle Alloy
Gerber Life Insurance Company
Greater Muskegon Woman's Club
International Chemical Workers Local 70
Hart Rotary Club
Howmet Aerospace
Jerviss-Fethke Insurance
Kay & Dirk Williams
Lakeside Comprehensive Rehabilitation
Meta Tool Technologies
Michigan Rural Letter Carriers
Muskegon Area Intermediate School District (MAISD)
Muskegon Montessori Academy for Environmental Change
Muskegon YMCA
Nowak Machined Products
Pacific Floor Care
RENK America
Shape Corp.
Shelby Area District Library
Tabono Law
United Way of the Lakeshore
Warner Norcross & Judd
Webb Chemical Service Corporation
Congratulations to the 2024 Distinguished Lakeshore Educators!
Muskegon County:
Fruitport: Danielle Hershey
Holton: Brandon Petrowski
Mona Shores: Nicole Malseed
Montague: Heidi Meoak
Muskegon: Stephany Yack-Saavedra
Muskegon Heights Academy: LaToya Davis
North Muskegon: Amy Zonnebelt
Oakridge: Brianna Keur
Orchard View: Ashley Gannon
Ravenna: Justine Waller
Reeths-Puffer: Megan Olsen
Whitehall: Jennifer Zwemer
Newaygo County:
Fremont: Megan Braspenninx
Grant: Audrey Bull
Hesperia: Roxanne Kammer
Newaygo: Torrie Schultz
White Cloud: Kendra Pfeiffer
Oceana County:
Hart: Kelli Gross
Pentwater: Lucy Macher
Shelby: Karen McLouth
Walkerville: Mandy Achterhof
Thank you to our Stuff the Bus sponsors: