COVID-19 By County:
If You Are In Need Of Assistance Please Call 211!
2-1-1, the three-digit helpline, is working with State Agency Emergency Management coordinators to ensure 2-1-1 is able to assist the statewide COVID-19 response effectively as in other emergencies. Locally, we are communicating with all the helping agencies to update their program information and availability to ensure that this “one-stop” place to call is continuously updated to meet the needs of local residents. Dial 2-1-1, Text your zip code to 898211, or Visit/Chat www.call-211.org to link to available local services.
Click Here To Find COVID-19 Testing, Vaccinations, or Information for Muskegon County
Click Here To Find COVID-19 Testing, Vaccinations, or Information for Newaygo or Oceana County
FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance:
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a foundational member of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) National Board and would like to share with our family of partner agencies information regarding its COVID-19 Funeral Assistance program.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought grief to every corner of our nation, taking the lives of over 700,000 people. FEMA is committed to reducing the financial burden of these deaths and is providing individuals who incurred COVID-19-related funeral expenses with funding for eligible costs. Since FEMA began the program, over one billion dollars in assistance has already been distributed.
FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19-related funeral expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020. Like other federal assistance, these funds cannot be used in duplication of other programs. We are seeking your assistance to help get the word out to individuals who may be eligible to apply. Click here on FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance for guidance and eligibility requirements and types of services funded. Instructions on how to apply for this assistance through FEMA's dedicated helpline at 1-844-684-6333 can also be found on the website.
Helpline representatives are trained to provide personal application support and answer any questions regarding program eligibility. Since this program is not administered by United Way Worldwide or the EFSP National Board, all questions should be referred to the FEMA Helpline or its website, https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance, for more information.
Navigating Unemployment:
Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans for Small Businesses
SBA's Economic Injury Disaster Loans offer up to $2 million in assistance for a small business. To learn more about the process for accessing SBA's COVID-19 disaster relief lending, please go here. For additional information, please contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center. Call 1-800-659-2955 (TTY:1-800-877-8339) or e-mail disastercustomerservice@sba.gov
Consumers Energy Support For Small Businesses
- Working with you on your utility bill.
- Connecting you to potential sources of state and federal relief.
- Providing new business opportunities through the Pure Michigan Business Connect Program.
Community Empowerment Small Grants Program
More Small Business Funds Available!
- With the support of MEDC, NEI, Michigan-based foundations, corporate partners, individual donors, and in collaboration with the SBA, the Michigan Entrepreneur Resilience Fund has secured funds to provide recovery grants and loans to diverse entrepreneurs and small businesses from underrepresented groups in Michigan. The application opens May 13, 2020. Please click the link to go to the website.
- In response to the economic impact of COVID-19, the State of Michigan has allocated $100 million of CARES Act funding to implement the Michigan Small Business Restart Program to support the needs of Michigan Businesses directly impacted by COVID-19. The application for businesses to apply for funding will open on July 15, 2020.
Please click the link to go to the website.
MDHHS Issues Guidance To Help Keep Workplaces Safe
Guidlines for Reopening Businesses:
As businesses are getting ready to open back up, it's important to have a plan in place on how to effectively and safely reopen your business. Use these guidlines to help create your plan.
OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplace for COVID-19
COVID Cleaning Posters from Nichols
MEDC Expands Two Community Developmental Programs, Launches New Website to Support Small Business and Downtown COVID-19 Recovery Efforts - Click to view the link press release
Many aging adults are unaware of the available care options and programs that can help them maintain their independence and quality of life. So we created a free resource that provides comprehensive information on topics like financial support and assisted living options that are available in their area. You can read more about our work here:
COVID-19 Grant Awards & Funding
- AgeWell - $14,000
- Big Brothers Big Sisters - $5,000
- Boys & Girls Club - $3,500
- Catholic Charities - $5,000
- Child Care Action Team - $12,000
- CALL 211 - $2,000
- Community Encompass - $37,000
- Every Womans Place - $5,000
- Family Promise - $18,000
- Fresh Coast Alliance - $5,000
- Fruitful Ministries - $500
- Fruitport Christian Reformed Church - $1,000
- Goodwill - $8,000
- Harbor Hospice - $1,000
- Headstart - $2,500
- Health West - $2,500
- Hospice of MI - $1,000
- Kids Food Basket - $5,000
- Kitchen 242/City of Muskegon - $1,500
- Latinos Working for Future - $4,000
- Lebanon Lutheran Church - $5,000
- LOVE Inc. - $5,000
- Mens & Ladies of Honor - $1,000
- Michigan Works - $1,500
- MAP - $53,803
- MOKA - $3,000
- MAISD - $4,250
- CHIR - $2,000
- Muskegon Heights Housing Commission - $2,000
- Muskegon Rescue Mission - $1,000
- Muskegon YMCA - $4,500
- New Jerusalem - $4,000
- Overcoming Barriers - $500
- Pathfinders - $2,000
- Pioneer Resources - $8,000
- Safe Kids West Michigan - $3,000
- Samaritas - $3,000
- Senior Resources - $7,000
- Hume Home - $2,000
- Salvation Army - $3,000
- Volunteer for Dental - $2,000
- Alternatives in Motion - $1,000
- The ARC Muskegon - $1,000
- Child Abuse Council of Muskegon - $1,000
- Christians for Health Inc - $800
- Coalition for Community Development - $1,000
- Community enCompass - $3,500
- Fruitport Christian Reformed Church - $1,000
- Migrant Legal Aid Inc - $1,000
- Muskegon Community College - $2,500
- Muskegon Heights Neighborhood Association Council - $1,000
- Muskegon-Oceana Community Action Partnership - $1,000
- Muskegon Supper House Program - $3,000
- Pioneer Resources Inc - $3,000
- Project 7:14 Revival Outreach Ministries - $2,000
- Read Muskegon - $1,000
- WUVS 103.7 The Beat / West MI Community Help Network - $1,000